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The foundation for any safety system is caring for people – and as a result you care about the places where they live, the things they own, and so on. When all your policies, procedures, tools and leadership practices are aligned to that end, you develop an extraordinary culture and a highly engaged workforce.
Safety and efficiency go hand in hand – Caring for people means that their work is safe, and their job is secure. Safe and efficient operations ensure your ability to compete and manage exposure to risk.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing – and you can’t have 500 main things! When resources are scarce or you need to turn things around and get employees engaged, the attention should be centered on the things that have the greatest potential for a Serious Injury or Fatality (SIF).
Learning should be relevant, fun, and create ownership and action. We use a What, So What, and Now What adult learning approach.
Everyone owns Safety. It is not the job a of department, a leader, or the employees. Safe and efficient operations preserve jobs and lives, which is why everyone should be involved. Even when a job is planned perfectly, things change, and your workforce needs to recognize when it is time to call a Time Out to reassess risk rather than pushing through and hoping for the best.
Dan Prachar is the founder and managing partner of WorkSafe Texas. His experience over 25 years has taken him to 45 countries to work on safety and efficiency, leadership, and culture. Dan now lives in Austin but splits his time between Austin, Dallas and Houston.
Each company Dan worked for or worked with had one or two key strengths or focus areas. The focus areas included behavior-based safety (BBS), process improvement, culture development, employee engagement, and human factors. One company focused less on the content, and more on making learning, relevant, practical and fun. None of his employers or clients did all these things well, and many over-engineered safety to the point of insanity. That is why we formed WorkSafe Texas.
Our experience has been that if you train people on the proper behaviors but have lousy processes or the culture does not support it, you are probably deploying another flavor or the week. The Performance Factors Model® is the framework we use to create a comprehensive approach that gets results and stands the test of time.
The PDR Work Process was created after incident reviews showed that most performance and safety failures had their roots in one of three places:
PDR or Plan-Do-Review was the simple, practical and memorable set of tools to ensure safe and efficient operations. Dan and the team at WorkSafe Texas use this same "keep it simple" mindset in all of our work.
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